Sunday, November 27, 2011

Human Rights? Aren't they basic?

Hey SOCHUM delegates!

Although human rights seems to be a basic ideal, especially since we were raised in a country like Canada, the battle for basic human rights still wages all over the world. It is essential that, no matter what, we continue the push for all people of Earth, regardless of where they live, what gender they are, or even what orientation they are, to be equal.

To help you guys on your way, here's a link to Human Rights Watch, an excellent source of information on human rights globally.

Human Rights Watch

Within this website, you'll find many articles relating to different countries and their stances on human rights. As an example, (Not to label Iran, but it's a great source)

Iran Releases Female Activists

I hope that this helps you guys out if you're unsure of where to find more information on human rights!

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