Now that I have your attention, lets talk about what you'll actually be doing!
Debating! What else? Cooperating! What else? Simulating the most important, relevant, AND the most powerful UN council, the Security Council! Why? Because you're all awesome!
Now the question is, what the heck will we even be talking about?
Seen the news lately? Ever heard of Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt? What do all these countries have in common? Part of North African/Middle Eastern region? Yes. Arab states? Yes. What happened? ARAB SPRING!!! (no that does not mean a bunch of people jumping up and down)
You will be trying to address the Arab Spring! The specific task is to develop a lasting and tenable peace settlement for the Arab Spring States. To get the most up to date current events on what is happening there, check out some very discretely placed hyperlinks on the news. Seriously, check it out.
For more background, go through some of the archives on CBC, BBC, and Al Jazeera. This is a sensitive security issue for the region and has significant ramifications for the rest of the world!
Go forth and learn young ones! We are counting on you! Not really, but pretend we are. In other news, McRib is back!!!
Your super awesome Chair,
"Humour has a way of bringing people together. It unites people. In fact, I'm rather serious when I suggest that someone should plant a few whoopee cushions in the United Nations."
-- Ron Dentinger
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