Saturday, November 5, 2011

Historical Committee Welcomes You

Hello future delegates!

Yay, blogging!

We've got a pretty big group of helpful and talented staff for this brand new committee.

My name is Robert Lees-Miller, I am going to be the chair for the committee this year. This is my fourth year as a chair in HSMUN, and I've been once as a delegate. I've done two historical committees as a delegate, once with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the other the Independence of Bangladesh. I am quite excited to be on the other side of the box this year.

My name is Blue Knox, this is my first year working as staff with HSMUN and I so excited to be getting involved and helping to make this the best experience possible for you guys. I participated once as a delegate 2009 and am excited to be joining the dark side with the other talented staff on this committee.

My name is Thomas Kearns and this is my first time on HSMUN, so I'm hoping to learn a lot from the experience and hopefully help make sure you guys have a blast as well.

We've also got two super classified secret agents you'll meet at the conference.

We'll have some real material for you at some point, until which YouTube videos:

Good hunting,

Historical Committee Staff

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