Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome to HSMUN 2010!

The Economics and Finance Committee would like to welcome you to the 2010 High School Model United Nations!

My name is Jennifer, and this is my first year being a part of the U of A's annual HSMUN conference. I am a third year science student, and I enjoy hip hop dancing and mexican food.

My name is Alan and this is my fourth year with HSMUN and second as staff. I am a second year Earth Sciences student, and my last near-death experience involved almost falling into a glacier.

Hi, my name is Michael Ceroici, and this is my first year volunteering with HSMUN, and I am the Intervention Attache for the ECOFIN committee. I enjoy traveling and learning new languages.

The Economic and Finance topics for this year's conference will be:
1) The issue of sustainable technological development
2) The issues regarding the globalization of the cultural industry

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