Friday, November 26, 2010

Security is our First Name

Hello prospective Security Council delegates:

My name is Robert. We have been behind in our blogs. This is sad making.

So to give you guys some more info, the background papers should be going up soon. There are a couple of things I want you to take out of it:

Terrorism is part of the question, not the question. The background paper and later blog posts are going to have extensive explanations of terrorism, because I don't want its definition debated ad nauseum. I am going to be discussing terrorism at length with you so you don't have to.

Cross-border issues are the important aspect of the question. These are what the SC deals with all the time. Its mandate is global peace, and preventing international conflict. Keep that in mind. Also of note: its powers are not ultimate, and must still be tempered by respect for sovereign states.

I am a big fan of a couple things: reading, watching documentaries, and talking to people smarter than me. To that end, I want you all to be better statesmen with this first blog post.
  • Machiavelli's The Prince (first chapter)
  • STRATFOR is an excellent, impartial (though US focused) group, they have some nifty articles, browse their free material, it will blow your mind. Here's a starter, relevant article on terrorism.
  • The Fog of War (find it at your local video store or online)
  • Homework: Talk to your social teacher about the Security Council's foundation. Your librarian can also be a great source for a good book.
See you in February!


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