Welcome to another year of HSMUN! We hope you find our UNICEF posts both informative and entertaining! Check out the posts tagged UNICEF for posts relating to this committee!
My nAme is Natalie Pon and I am the ChaiR for UNICEF this year. I'm in my second year at the University of Alberta. This is my second delightful year as dais (last year I was Director for WHO), and my third with HSMUN. I enJoy playing Madden, rib-eye steaks, StarbUcks coffee (hiNt hint), the MIami DolphinS, and generAlly just being aWesome. In addition, I am an executivE with CampuS UNICEF at the U of A. I lOve everything about UNICEF, so if you have any questions, I will be More than willing to hElp you out and share my passion for this organization! I also love coffee. Did I mention that? So if you're looking for a way to impress me, there is a Starbucks in Cameron Library. Bernard Callebaut chocolate will do as well (hint hint).
What Up Beautiful Delegates!
My name is Muhammed Patel and I am the Director of UNICEF this year. I am in my second awesome year of Science and my 4th year with HSMUN (3 years as a delegate) and I love it more then i love donairs, and i love donairs more then I love soccer, football, and hockey and best of all UFC. I am in a long term relationship with my XBOX (gamertags?). I am also an executive with Campus UNICEF because Natalie is almost as awesome as she claims (I'm way more awesome). I just started drinking coffee and i don't drink Starbucks because i am cheap, so Tim Hortons always wins (hint hint?). We're going to make this year more awesome than this kid:

My name is Elzbieta Tymon, and I am your Intervention Attache this year. I'm currently in my second year of Business at the University of Alberta, and have been involved with HSMUN for the past 3 years: as a delegate in 2008 and 2009, and as News Staff last year.
The two resolutions in our amazing commitee this year are:
- The question of coordinating international efforts against child pornography on the internet; and
- The question of preventing and controlling child malnutrition.
For now, we will leave you with some words of wisdom:
In the words of Randy Moss, "[Delegates], I salute you! I'm out!"
"HIGH SIX!" - Barney Stinson
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