Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Yeah, pardon my lame joke.

On the other hand, there's only a month left until HSMUN 2012! Aren't you all so excited for it?

Oh right.. Most of you are probably panicking over high school midterms right now, without even realizing it. But, as I hope all of you SOCHUM delegates will read this post eventually, I thought I'd put in a friendly reminder.

Position papers are due on February 11, 2012.

Position papers are a great way to obtain more information about your country and their stance, while familiarizing yourself with our pertinent topics. It also helps you to brainstorm some possible solutions, which will be crucial for our discussion.

In terms of the topics, I've already some general questions for you to consider. However, your thoughts should not be limited to only those questions. What more can your country offer? Or would your country rather not be a part of, as an example, any international regulation on women's rights?

It's important to remember that during the entire conference, you're representing your country, not your own personal beliefs. While we love earnest, though-provoking discussions, you still must follow the ideals of your country, however limiting they may be. So, when writing your position papers or making notes to yourself, always remember to view information and arguments in the eyes of your country!

Hope this gives you some more things to consider!

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