Monday, January 23, 2012

UN Personnel: Above the law?

According to some sources, having access to diplomatic immunity, at least as a high-ranking official, can guarantee you protection in pretty much any situation. While the UN always urges its personnel to abide by the laws of foreign nations, it still lacks the framework to ensure the accountability of its personnel. Like any policy, the immunity afforded to UN personnel exists for a reason: UN personnel can potentially be exposed to arbitrary persecution due to the highly political and dangerous nature of their work. In addition, in the event that they are implicated in a crime, they have no guarantee of a free or fair trial under certain judicial systems.

This case explores the complexity of diplomatic immunity, both in terms of its effect on the accused diplomat as well as its implications on the relationship between the two countries involved. While the accused was not a UN official, he has access to the same diplomatic immunity as many high-ranking UN officials. As you read the article, ask yourself to what extent we can trust a given judicial system to be impartial as well as whether or not the application of immunity can augment tension between nations.

We hope this helps! Happy researching. Remember to read/watch/listen to the news! 

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