Saturday, January 8, 2011

Make a New Years Resolution to... READ SOME RESOLUTIONS!

Happy new year to all of you keeners out there! I hope 2011 brings you good fortune... and greater excitement for the upcoming conference!

The United Nations is very very good at setting up committees. To a certain extent, the Security Council has attempted to resolve the question of terrorism. How did they do this? They set up a committee!

The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee was set up in 2001 as part of Resolution 1373. This committee drafts policy, provides assistance to member states, and carries out assessments of counter-terrorist measures. They want to make it difficult for terrorist groups to exist by addressing their sources of funding and assisting governments with tracking them down. It is difficult to blow something up when getting the materials to make a bomb is hindered.

The CTC is not perfect. It relies heavily on member states for cooperation. If a member state is funding a terrorist group and is not cooperative with the CTC, it becomes tricky to pursue any course of action.

The website provides country reports on terrorist activities and counter-terrorist acts. I highly recommend reading through a few of them. They show which countries have been reporting on their implementation of Resolution 1373. Does your country have anything to say? Have they done anything? If so, what are they doing? Feel free to check out the rest of the site as well. They have links to various interesting things about what they're doing and how they're doing it.

Resolution 1624 was passed in 2005, providing more guiding principles to the CTC. Here is a report on the implementation of this resolution. Make sure to read the complications involved in the issue or addressing global terrorism.

Until next time, cheers!

"Is it the extremist, or the media, that blow things up"
Loesje (a Dutch free speech organization)

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