Thursday, February 9, 2012

Position Papers!

Just a quick reminder that position papers are due this Saturday at midnight. If yours is informative, factually correct, and maybe even entertaining, we will be extremely pleased with you before the conference even starts AND we might give you an award for the best position paper! The papers should be 1-2 pages long and should cover both topics.

You should also take a look at this article discussing how the nature of terrorism (including state-sponsored terrorism) poses difficulties in prosecuting the crime on both a national and international level. The writer brings up the interesting point that the international framework in place to deal with terrorism right now doesn't take into account that, in some cases, the crime was sponsored by the state that has custody of the suspect, using an example from 1988 involving alleged state-sponsored terrorism on Libya's part. If you see this as an issue that could impact your nation, think about the extent to which international bodies should be involved in prosecuting terrorists and the effect this has on the sovereignty of individual states.

That's all for now! Good luck with your papers :)

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