Sunday, December 11, 2011

WHOOOT! Research!

Hey guys!

So hopefully by now you are starting to get the hang of this research business and I figured we could perhaps offer you guys some extra information on the DISEASE topic!

Now disease is an important world issue! As you saw last week, the UN has entire site devoted to it (

To help you all see what has been done in the past (to sort of get an idea of what things nations tend to agree upon and pass in the UN), check you this site:

In addition, if you are curious to see what outbreaks have been reported in your country (and what action the UN has taken), check this out: It might be helpful to see what action the UN took in your own nation to help you figure out what action your nation would be willing to take in others.

Good luck and have fun! Don't forget to email us if you have any question!

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