With the conference less than a week away, I'm sure many of you are frantically researching your country's position on our two topics. Likely, most of your searches are happening online - which is great, since there's tons of information on the internet. But, published books still exist, and can be much better sources of quality information on important issues.
Since most delegates don't think of looking into books, here's a list of relevant books for our two topics that can be borrowed from the Edmonton Public Library (and there are literally hundreds more at the University of Alberta Libraries, which you can borrow if you have a TAL card or a CCID, the first of which you can get at the Stanley A. Milner Library).
Child Malnutrition:
- "Hunger and Health" by World Health Programme (2007)
- "A follow up study of child hunger in Canada" by Human Resources Canada (2001)
- "World Hunger" by Liza Burby (1995)
- "Solutions for the World's Biggest Problems" by Bjorn Lomborg (2007)
Child Pornography:
- "Innocence Exploited" by Canadian Police College (1998)
- "Child Exploitation and Communication Technologies" by Alisdair Gillespie (2008)
- "One Child at a Time" by Julian Sher (2007)
- "Caught in the Web" by Julian Sher (2007)
- "Sex Offenders and the Internet" by Kerry Sheldon (2007)
Especially for the pornography subject, which is hard to research through google, these books can really help for some general information (country specific info can be found through Interpol, which is linked in a previous blog post!).
Usually reading relevant extracts or chapters is enough, it's good to glance into these books even if you don't have time to read them all!
Good luck and see you Thursday!
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