Happy New Year and welcome back to regularly scheduled blogging by the HSMUN team. We're looking forward to the next month and a half of final preparations for the conference and hope you are too. Over the next few days we will be posting background papers, the first edition of the UNN, and hopefully sending out the first of our delegate emails.
Below are a few articles and events of interest:
- Counting their blessings - The Economist: This article looks at how developing countries weathered the economic crisis
- Yemen has become the latest terrorist-harboring state, with violent consequences. Reports from the NYT, Al Jazeera, and the BBC.
"The most important thing here for geopolitics globally and within the region, is that Yemen has been a fractured, desperately poor and deeply fractitious country that all the countries in the region and the superpowers have used as a battleground," she said." - Al Jazeera
- Latest report from the International Crisis Group: 6 actual or potential conflicts deteriorated, none improved.
- How to write about poor people (Part 1 and part 2) - William Easterly: A humorous blog entry from a foreign aid scholar
- All the President's Leaks - FP.com: Why Obama is winning the propaganda war with Iran
Now go out and research my friends! (And check your committee blogs, too)
Cartoon from KAL at The Economist
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