Monday, January 5, 2009

A Proportional Response

Israel's response to Hamas in Gaza has been questioned intensely both by Israeli's and the international community as a whole. While this certainly isn't a scholarly source by far, it reminded me of this episode of the West Wing. I know, I know, random. But I did already admit my undying love of the show so it's to be expected.
In the first video President Bartlett is forced to make a decision on how to respond to the shooting down of a small American plane which killed several citizens. In the second one, from the end of the episode after he made the decision to make the proportional response, he vents his anger about his inability to protect American citizens.

So is the Israeli response to rocket fire responsible and reasonable? Was there other options for them? Will this attack serve to strengthen Hamas' standing with the Palestinian people or ultimately decimate the organization? Has Israel irreparably damaged their standing with Arabic nations in the Middle East? Feel free to discuss this in the comments.

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